Crossword Builder!

Generate crossword puzzles using your own words and your own clues, then play your crossword or share with friends!

How to create your own crossword:

  1. Sign up or login to be able to edit your crossword in the future.
  2. Enter the title and author of your new Crossword Puzzle.
  3. Add a Word and Clue.
  4. Click 'Add Word' to add the word/clue to your crossword, then check out the preview.
  5. Continue adding additional words and clues, or edit previously added words and clues in the table below.
  6. Once satisfied with your crossword, click "Create Crossword!" to generate your crossword!
  7. Generated Crosswords are saved in the Play section for anyone to play anytime, anywhere.
  8. Play your crossword interactively online using our Crossword Player Software, where you can Print, Share, or Embed your new crossword!

To see and play existing Crossword Puzzles built by others, click on Play.

Crossword Creator Software 2.0

New! Use OpenAI's AI model ChatGPT to generate clues to help with your crossword building!

*Warning: All progress is lost if user leaves page. Make sure to login to save progress or to be able to edit the crossword after it's created.


Word List: Actions:

Click "Create Crossword!" to save/finish creating your crossword! After creating, you'll be navigated to our Crossword Player Software to play, share, print, or embed your new crossword!

To continue editing your crossword after creating, log in to your profile and click edit on your profile page.

*Note: By clicking "Create Crossword!", the user agrees to allow to save the user's crossword for the purpose of allowing any other user of to play, print, or share the crossword. If any offensive content is contained in a crossword, reserves the right to delete the crossword at their own discretion.