Thanks for Playing Crossword Creators!

Scroll below to read how to use the Crossword Player Software.

Crossword Player Software 3.0


How to use Crossword Player Software:

Our Crossword Player Software allows users to play crosswords online interactively.

  1. Click on a square to see respective clue, or scroll though clues using the left and right arrow buttons.
  2. Insert guess for the clue shown where it says "Insert Guess Here".
  3. If your guess is correct, the word will be inserted into the crossword blocks with the blocks turning green.
  4. Once all words are guessed, you've finished the crossword!
  5. To print crossword, leave crossword blank and click "Print" at the top right.
  6. To share crossword, click "Share" and copy/share the URL given.
  7. To embed the crossword on your own website, see our How To page.

To see and play other Crossword Puzzles built by our users, click on Play.